Never stop learning, coz: The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds-unlike our body, can continue growing as we continue to live. Mortimer Adler.
Excuses are nails used to build a house of failure-Don Wilder n Bill Rechin. Alasan2 adalah paku2 yg digunakan mbangun rumah kegagalan.
Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired-Jules Renard. Kemalasan tdk lbh adlh kebiasaan beristiraht sblm anda kelelahan.
Who wants to be the next Albert Einstein-I have no special talent, I am only passionately curious. Aku tdk mpy bakat khusus, aku hy py rasa ingin tahu yg bsr. Yuk kembgkn rasa ingin tahu.
There're many wonderful things that will never be done if u don't do them-Charles D Gill. Ada byk hal hebat yg tdk akan tjadi jika Anda tdk melakuknnya.
Many great ideas have been lost bcoz the people who had them couldn't stand being laughed at-Unknown. Banyak ide2 hebat yg tlh lenyp krn yg py ide tdk tahan ditertawakan org.
Unless U try to do something beyond what u've mastered, u'll never grow-Ronald E Osborn. Jk km tdk pernh mcoba u mlakukn hal lain dr yg km kuasai, km ngga akan berkembang.
Learn all u can form the mistakes of others. U wont have time to make them all yourself-Alfred Sheinwold. Bljrlah sgl yg km bs dr keslhn org lain krn km nggak akan punya waktu untuk membuatnya sendiri.
Take risks: If U win, u'll be happy; if u lose, u'll be wise-Unknown. Ambilah resiko, jk km menang mk km akn bhgia, jk km ga2l mk km akn mjd bijak.
Be thankful that God's answers r wiser than your answers-William Culbertson. Berterimakasihlah bhw jawaban Tuhan lebih bijaksana daripada jawabanmu.
Pessimism is an excuse 4not trying and a guarantee to a personal failure-Bill Clinton. Pesimis adlh sebuah alasan u tdk mcoba dan sebuah petunjuk untuk kegagalan seseorang.
Good judgement comes from experience, n often experience comes from bad judgement-Rita Mae Brown. Penilaian yg baik timbl dr pengalaman & pglman timbl dr penilaian yg buruk.
If u r still talkin about what u did yesterday, u haven't done much today-Unknown. Jk km trus mbcrkn ttg ms lalu, km blom mkerjkn byk hal skrg.
If u're never scared/embarrassed/hurt, it means u never take any chances-Julia Sorel. Jk km tdk prnh mrasa takut/malu/sakit, artiny km tdk prnh m'ambil kesemptn.
Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80-Henry Ford. Semua org yg bhenti belajar adlh org tua meski dia brumur 20 atau 80.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
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